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HRV (heart rate variability)

While re-watching my favourite video on “Being brilliant every single day” from Dr. Alan Watkins, I realised I completely missed the information about HRV last time I watched it. So I did a quick research into it and I am very curious whether or not working with HRV data can bring improvements into my life and performance. HRV stands for heart rate variability and it represents the gaps between each heart beat. Almost everyone is usually familiar with HR (heart rate) but research suggest that HRV provides a better understanding of what is going on with out body/system. 

Generally speaking, this data is widely used for sportsmen/sportswomen but technically speaking it should be beneficial even for mental performance as it colerates with the whole ANS (autonomous nervous system). The higher variability suggest the healthier system, the lower variability suggests the opposite. I list few articles below that are worth looking at and I will update this page with further details as I collect the resources and experience. 

  1. Being brilliant every single day – part 1 (talks about HRV)
    Being brilliant every single day – part 2
  2. Article from my friend Miro Mayro Sekula – BreakingNutritionist:
    Heart rate variability and orthostatic test 
  3. CorSense and Elite HRV app
  4. Insights into Apple Watch HRV

So far it seems that chest strap (closest to the heart) provides more accurate results and measuring HRV first thing in the morning supposed to be the prefered method. Although the Apple watch could be providing relatively similar, there are reason why other prefer to use Garmin solutions, Polar and other tools / devices. Generally the investment looks to be several hundred dollars so it is better to spend some time researching to make this investment worthwhile. 

If you have tips and tricks to share, let me know via my LinkedIn profile or contact form

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WimHof in Australia and his method

Wim Hof was in Australia and I took my chance to get a workshop with him. It was a great experience and I’ve been practising it daily since then, but let’s cover some basics first. Note: this is just for my future reference and brings somewhat limited information value.

Who is WIMHOF?

He is the ICEMAN! Amazing guy, breaking world records (I think he holds 26 or so), he ran a marathon under polar circle in nothing but shorts, Continue reading WimHof in Australia and his method

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Freedom & Responsibility

“With freedom comes responsibility.”

From early childhood we want to be independent, we want to do whatever we want, whenever we want. We don’t like other people telling us what to do and when to do it. A classic example is parents calling us for dinner, cleaning our room, doing our homework, etc. Now the reason why they tells us is, that they think or see reasons behind doing these things at the time. They might also see consequences of not doing these things based on what they experienced or saw during their own lifetime. Quite often they believe, Continue reading Freedom & Responsibility

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20 tips for wealthy life

Hi everyone,

some time ago I came accross youtube video that inspired me to write down tips for wealthy life. Unfortunately, the video is down, so credits can’t be given but here are those 20 tips for us all to try :). Have fun with it!

1. save first, then spend what you can truly afford
2. study wealthy people / study role models
3. ask for help
4. do regular visualizations
5. make a joy list – treat yourself
6. stretch yourself – push your limits
7. get comfortable with money (have cash on hand)
8. give more than you pay for (constant improve)
9. attitude of gratitude (small things you have)
10. poverty is challenge not a problem, slowly but surely
11. old patterns of poverty (stealing paperclip, bills delayed)
12. stop wasting time on unimportant things
13. good ideas write down
14. practise positivity techniques
15. pay yourself (write yourself a check)
16. know your weaknesses
17. get in touch with your passion EVERY day
18. take the fear out of making money
19. charge what you’re worth (one screw for $300)
20. keep going (re-evaluate)

true wealth consist of whatever you value


source: (link broken)

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Inspiration from Danny Trejo

I came across this video and could not hold myself to listen to it several times and take a time to write down some notes. In my own unique way, I can relate to what he is saying from my own experience and I would love to share pitch points with others. Below the video are some important facts from this short clip I want to comment on.

Everything good that has happened to me, has happened as a direct result of helping someone else.

Continue reading Inspiration from Danny Trejo

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lemon juice and apple cider vinegar challenge

I love challenges. They help me grow. Several studies confirmed that it takes 21 days to develop a habit. So if I can stick to one-month challenges, I will be very happy and continue to grow.

So here is another one I would like to undertake. I’ll call it:


Q: What is the challenge about?
A: Start a day with half a lemon, two spoons of Bragg’s apple cider vinegar and 1 spoon of honey mixed in half a litre cup.

Q: What is the desired outcome?
A: lower expectations and avoid disappointment. Feeling good every day would be a good start. Continue reading lemon juice and apple cider vinegar challenge

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Shawn Achor – Happiness in practise

I call this happiness in practise and its a technique based on various studies which?prove that application of several techniques can provide higher level of happiness and shifting mind perception into more positive state of functioning. This practise is inspired by TED talk from Shawn Achor and requires repetition of following tasks for 21 days:

  • 3 gratitudes
  • regular journaling (1 article or note per day)
  • exercise
  • meditation (I would add “past dreaming”)
  • random acts of kindness

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Parallel realities inspired by Bentinho Massaro

As Bentinho would say, I just shifted myself into a different projection of my consciousness timelessly. I did it without any effort and with thousands and millions activities or assumptions at the same time, although there is no time as such.

I am a consciousness that’s listing through the pictures of parallel universes. Endless projections of all possibilities that have been already created. Anything I can think of or imagine, already exists. Every movement, every motion, every state of my mind, already exists. All I am doing is swapping the pictures on the projector of what we call reality, that is projected by our consciousness. Continue reading Parallel realities inspired by Bentinho Massaro

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My first real book: The Priest, The Surfer and The CEO

This is my first book, I have willingly read on my own. It’s 50% reflection of my life and another 50% is inspiration for my better tomorrows. It teaches you three different concepts on how to approach your life, get a better experience and grow. It helps you find your own meaning of being alive.

I highly recommend everyone to read this book, even if you have difficulties with reading like me. I used to have difficulties with dysorthography, dyslexia and dysorthographia. ?However, where is a will, there’s a way and those are past for me. This blog is major tool that helped me overcome my difficulties related to writing and reading.

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Rethink about life, change


“Disgusted by the world we live in, disgusted by people’s behaviour all around the world,
I am questioning myself, how long will we survive, how long before I’ll write my last line.

Before that happens, I am asking more, both myself and all of you, how can we change this little time for better,
how to get rid of prejudice, hate and fear, all that bother us turn into dust.

How to find peace, love, happiness and serenity, the true meaning of all things around us,
how to bypass the unwritten rule of a system, that controls our time.

It’s not easy to find the answer, since simple there’s many ways,
but start with yourself first seems to be the way, after all the wise is the one, who always asks.”



This little piece was written after eight months me living in Australia, when my mind went through different stages of self realisation and development. It is the reaction to conflict between two cultural experiences (Czech and Australian) I was facing at that time. I came to realisation, that all we have around us is created us and only us. We have a choice what we wish to see and if we want to see the change, we have start with our own. Change brings actions and actions bring opportunities.