Hi everyone,
some time ago I came accross youtube video that inspired me to write down tips for wealthy life. Unfortunately, the video is down, so credits can’t be given but here are those 20 tips for us all to try :). Have fun with it!
1. save first, then spend what you can truly afford
2. study wealthy people / study role models
3. ask for help
4. do regular visualizations
5. make a joy list – treat yourself
6. stretch yourself – push your limits
7. get comfortable with money (have cash on hand)
8. give more than you pay for (constant improve)
9. attitude of gratitude (small things you have)
10. poverty is challenge not a problem, slowly but surely
11. old patterns of poverty (stealing paperclip, bills delayed)
12. stop wasting time on unimportant things
13. good ideas write down
14. practise positivity techniques
15. pay yourself (write yourself a check)
16. know your weaknesses
17. get in touch with your passion EVERY day
18. take the fear out of making money
19. charge what you’re worth (one screw for $300)
20. keep going (re-evaluate)
true wealth consist of whatever you value
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG4MBZTDBo0 (link broken)